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뉴저지의 Graduated Driver License law 가 나이어린 운전자에 대해서 새로운 제한을 두고 있는데, 이유는 고속도로에서 안전사고 예방을 위해 제정된 것입니다.
자녀를 가지고 계신 부모들께서는 이점 숙지하셔서 자녀들이 새로운 법을 잘따르게 하셔야 할 것입니다.
자세한 사항은 아래와 같고, 시간되는데로 한글로 번역하여 올리겠습니다.

  1. 2010년에 시행된 이법은 16-20세의 나이에 해당하는 운전자중 특별히 운전연습생이나 면허증 받은 첫해에는 저녁 11시에서 다음날 새벽 5시까지는 운전할 수가없는데, 다만 종교적이유나 직장으로인해 부득이하게 운전을 해야한다면, 종교기관이나 회사의 책임자에게 편지를 받아서 가지도 다녀서 필요시 제시해야합니다.
  2. 부양가족을 제외한 다른사람을 태우고 다닐 수없습니다. 다만 부모나 후견인이 함께 탔을경우는 그 조항이 예외가 되는데 seat belt가 있는 숫자 만큼 동승자를 태우고
    다닐 수 있습니다.

New Jersey’s Graduated Driver License law is imposing new restrictions on young drivers in an effort to improve highway safety. Parents play an influential role in ensuring that the new laws will be followed.
Driver distraction is a leading cause of accidents, especially among teenagers. For this reason, fewer passengers will be permitted in a car, the night-time curfew will start at 11:01 p.m. instead of midnight, and other provisions will apply.

The changes take effect May 1, 2010, for drivers 16–20 years of age who hold either a Special Learners Permit or a first-year “Provisional” or “Probationary” License. These drivers:
May not be on the road between 11:01 p.m. and 5 a.m. If there is a proven need to drive during this time for work and/or religious purposes, exemptions do exist. For an exemption, a driver must carry a written certification on official letterhead, which is signed by an employer or religious figure.
May transport only one passenger in the vehicle besides his or her dependents. If a parent or guardian is in the vehicle, the passenger restriction is waived, and the teen may transport as many passengers as there are seat belts.
May not use a cell phone (hand-held or hands-free), iPod or other wireless electronic device. (Note: GPS systems — portable or built in — and iPods connected to a vehicle’s sound system are permitted, but a teen should not make any adjustments to these devices while driving.)
Must ensure that all vehicle occupants are properly restrained in child safety seats or seat belts.
Must display a decal on the front and rear license plate. The decal may be removed when a fully licensed driver operates the vehicle.

May not plea bargain any point-carrying offenses.

All youthful drivers who currently hold a Permit or “Provisional” or “Probationary” License will be bound by the new restrictions, even if they started driving before May 1, 2010. However, the restrictions do not apply to drivers who have already completed the Graduated Driver License program and now hold a Basic Driver License.
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) is charged with designing and distributing the decal, which must be displayed on a vehicle’s front and rear license plate when a permit or provisional license holder under 21 years of age is driving. The decal will be:
Affixed with a Velcro system to allow for its removal when the GDL holder is not behind the wheel.
Reflectorized so it can be seen at night.
Non-descript (it is intended for enforcement purposes).
$4 per pair at MVC agencies. (Note: MVC is developing a bulk purchase program for high schools, police departments and other organizations.)